At Afrikabisa, we want you to travel smart and safe. For your convenience, we have collected the following travel resources to help you plan your trip to Tanzania.
Before booking and departing for your trip, we recommend that you refer to the latest travel advisories and COVID-19 requirements.
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Embassy in Tanzania
Government of Canada
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
European Commission
Visit the Tanzania Immigration Department website for travel visa information and to apply online for a visa.
You should not drink untreated water from the tap unless you are advised that it is safe. We recommend you carry a reusable bottle and fill it with filtered water whenever possible. Bottled water is also readily available. When in doubt, ask if the water is safe to drink and where the water came from. You should also be cautious with iced drinks and washed produce.
In Tanzania, you can expect squat/pit toilets in most establishments. Larger hotels or tourist attractions may have Western-style flushable toilets. We recommend you carry toilet paper, soap, and hand sanitizer, as these items are usually not provided in public bathrooms.
Cellular/mobile coverage is standard in cities and larger villages, but access is limited in rural areas and in the mountain. Many towns have internet cafes for additional internet access.
The official currency is the Tanzanian Shilling. ATMs are commonly found in cities and large towns. Credit cards are often accepted at businesses in the city or larger villages, but not in more rural areas.
If you have any questions about current requirements or guidance for your trip, contact Afrikabisa, and we’ll be happy to provide assistance.